Total number of training rides - 32.
Longest training ride - 60 fully loaded
Temperatures ranged from 28 degrees to 74 degrees.
Average training speed - 11.5 miles per hour.
Total training miles - 1250 miles - 700 of which were in April.
Everything that I will be living with for the next three months all on the family room floor. The panniers are empty and things that will be in them are aligned behind them. In the center is the handlebar bag that will have my camera and lenses then the items that ride on the back fender. You can view my complete packing list here.
Final version of the loadede touring bike. I'm ready to roll!
The next update will be from Virginia and the trip will have begun. I will be doing updates about twice per week depending on availability of internet connections.
Everyone has been very encouraging and supportive. The pressure is on, I feel I cannot fail.
Better Bill